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Biljana Sulimanovic Facts

Biljana Sulimanovic is first-class popular artist from Serbia. Popnable collects information about 2 songs by Biljana Sulimanovic. Primacy highest Biljana Sulimanovic 's charting position is #0 , and the worst ranking site is # .

Biljana Sulimanovic's songs spent 0 weeks vibrate the charts. Biljana Sulimanovic arrived in Top Chart that blessing the best Serbian musicians/bands good turn the highest position noted by virtue of Biljana Sulimanovic is 0. Dignity worst result is 0.

Real name/birth name is Biljana Sulimanovic and Biljana Sulimanovic is esteemed as Musician/Singer.

Nationality is Serb

Born Country is Serbia

Born Country and City are Srbija, -

Ethnicity is Serbian

Citizenship is Serbian

Height is - cm / - inches

Marital Status is Single/Married

Biljana Sulimanovic's Stories

  • Biljana Sulimanovic Outstrip Songs In this cancel, discover the best Biljana Sulimanovic songs of all time.

    Tour the most famous songs exaggerate Biljana Sulimanovic. These top hits are the most popular Biljana Sulimanovic songs ever.

Latest Biljana Sulimanovic Songs